Friday, October 26, 2012

Life , like daily newspaper

Life, like daily newspaper 

MadanMohan Tarun 

One day god came to me and asked - '. How daily life should be like?' 
I told him without waiting even for a second - ' like a daily newspaper.' He gave a blank look at me. I told him - ' we all wait eagerly for the new issue of the newspaper, every morning. And when it comes, we forget everything and indulge in it fully, with our eyes, heart and mind. See how fresh it comes daily, full of colourful pictures reflecting people, places near and far...far away ,covering all aspects of life and around ,entertaining to serious articles, what not it has. It is complete in every respect without any excuse.
Life should also start fresh and colourful every day.
Also think it is not easy to bring out newspaper so attractive daily. It is combined effort of hundreds of people who work day and night, knowing that finally it is going to be a part of waste.

Death is a fact but life is a greater reality.

Start it colourfully fresh and attractive daily so that you don't repent for anything...

I found a sign of satisfaction on the face of god and he left.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

When I Visit a temple

When I visit a temple

MadanMohan Tarun

When I visit a temple
I find myself
Centuries and centuries away
I travel through my many.. many... births

Visit places
I lived and relieved…

When I pass through its passages
I pass through time and beyond

When I stand before the gods and goddesses
I lose to be a part of anything
I flow in their bodies
I glow in their eyes
I blow in their hairs
I go beyond my body and soul
I am relieved from my every form
I  am transformed into  the whole



MadanMohan Tarun

We are all born
To perform
A particular job
If you could not do something
Don’t worry
Perhaps you are missing
your mirror…

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I regret for nothing

MadanMohan Tarun

I regret for nothing.

What I got was my fortune,
What I lost was my destiny.

I always cared my role,
I was appointed for.
I tried to give every drop of my ability,
What  I was given by HIM,
So that,
When I stand before HIM
For my next role,
I don’t carry excuses.

I want to shine on HIS lips;
when HE smiles.

I want to be the glow of HIS eyes
when HE sheds HIS look at me…

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

SUNAA TUMNE : Could you hear me ?

सुना तुमने

मदनमोहन तरुण

सुना तुमने !
सुना ?

आज मैं अपनी सारी प्रार्थनाएँ
वापिस ले रहा हूँ

वर्षों वर्षों मैंने घंटियाँ बजाईं
तेरी प्रशंसा के श्लोक पढे॰
कभी तुम्हारे चार हाथों
या हजार हाथों के गीत गढे॰
सर्वव्यापी और न जाने क्या - क्या कहा तुम्हें
तेरे अंग - अंग की तरीफ की
तेरी देवियों की सुन्दरता का बखान किया

ताकि तुम सुन सको हमारी पुकार

मगर ठीक तेरी आँखों के सामने
समय ने मुझे कितनी बार लहू -लुहान कर दिया

मगर तू नहीं आया , तो नहीं आया
न कोई आवाज ही दी
मुझे छोड॰ दिया
भूखे अस्त्रों के बीच घिरा

जब तू सुनता ही नहीं
तब मैं तुझे क्यों पुकारूँ ?
क्यों बजाऊँ घंटियाँ ?
क्यों पढूँ मंत्र तेरी खुशामद के ?

आज मैं अपनी सारी प्रार्थनाएँ
वापिस ले रहा हूँ

सुना ?
सुना तुमने !
आज मैं अपनी सारी प्रार्थनाएँ
वापिस ले रहा हूँ

जा जा
तू सोता रह अपने शयनागार में
दबवाता रह लक्ष्मी से अपने पाँव
सुनता रह ब्रह्मा की ठकुरसुहातियाँ

मगर नहीं अब नहीं
अब मैं तुम्हारी प्रार्थना नहीं करूँगा

जब तू सुनता ही नहीं
तब मैं तुझे क्यों पुकारूँ ?
क्यों बजाऊं घंटियाँ ?
क्यों पढूँ मंत्र तेरी खुशामद के ?
आज मैं अपनी सारी प्रार्थनाएँ
वापिस ले रहा हूँ … 

कितनी उम्मीदों से मैंने तुम्हे कितनी बार पुकारा
दर्द से चीखा ,चिल्लाया
समय ने मेरा तमाशा बना दिया
मगर तू नहीं आया ,तो नहीं आया

न कभी बतलाया कि तुमने सुना,
 जब मैंने तुम्हें
अथाह पीडा॰ से आहत, अपमानित, अवमानित होकर
तुम्हें पुकारा
तब भी तू नहीं आया तो नहीं आया

जब तू सुनता ही नहीं
तब मैं तुझे क्यों पुकारूँ ?
क्यों बजाऊँ घंटियाँ ?
क्यों पढूँ मंत्र , तेरी खुशामद के ?

आज मैं अपनी सारी प्रार्थनाएँ
वापिस ले रहा हूँ

सुना ?
सुना तुमने !
आज मैं अपनी सारी प्रार्थनाएँ
वापिस ले रहा हूँ

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Aaj Batiyaayein : Let us talk closely today

आज बतिआएँ
मदनमोहन तरुण

जरा और पास आओ
आज बतिआएँ
कभी धीरे धीरे
कभी फुसफुसाएँ

हो सके तो हँस लो
हो सके तो रो लो
धारा पर छोड॰ दो आज खुद को
जिधर ले जाए धार
उधर बह लो।

इन दिनों न जाने कभी - कभी
मुझे क्या होता है
खुद को छूता हूँ तो गायब पाता हूँ
भीड॰ में भी खुद को सन्नाटों में पाता हूँ।

पत्नी शिकायत करती हैं -
आप अपनी आँखें तो कभी खोलते नहीं
मुझे पहचानते हैं?
कभी देखा है मुझे इन दिनों में,
मुझे जानते है?'
सुनकर लगता है अपराधी हूँ,
परन्तु यह सच है

मैं ज्यादा बन्द आँखों की दुनिया में रहता हूँ
छाया और कुहासों की दुनिया में

मैं बाहर कभी ,कभी ही आता हूँ
आँखें खुली रहती हैं मगर मैं वहाँ नहीं होता
बातें होती रहती हैं मगर मैं कुछ और सुनता रहता हूँ

कभी बीज से फूटता हूँ और धीरे धीरे विशाल वृक्ष बन जाता हूँ
कभी बन जाता हूँ पर्वत
कभी झरना बनकर झरने लगता हूँ ऊँचाइयों से
कभी बन जाता हूँ ज्वारों भरा सागर
कभी विशाल पक्षी बन भरता हूँ उडा॰न
पहुँच जाता हूँ आसमान के भी उस पार
जो घने कुहासे की दुनिया है
जहाँ बसते हैं छाया से लोग
मैं उन्हीं में एकाकार हो जाता हूँ

लगता है जन्मों - जन्मों से मैं यहीं था
यही तो है मेरा घर

जरा और पास आओ
आज बतिआएँ
कभी धीरेधीरे
कभी फुसफुसाएँ

मैं उन जगहों पर जाता हूँ
जिसे कभी देखा नहीं,
जो शायद है भी नहीं
मै उन लोगों से मिलता हूँ
जिन्हें कभी देखा नहीं
जो शायद हैं भी नहीं
पर सच कहता हूँ
वही लगते हैं अपने
मैं इतनी ढेर सारी
सच्चाइयाँ लेकर क्या करूँगा
मुझे तो अच्छे लगते हैं सपने।

जरा और पास आओ
आज बतिआएँ
कभी धीरेधीरे
कभी फुसफुसाएँ

निपट अकेलेपन के सन्नाटों में लौट चलें
जहाँ खुद की भी सत्ता नहीं होती
जहाँ कुछ भी नहीं होता
जरा और पास आओ
आज बतिआएँ
कभी धीरे धीरे
कभी फुसफुसाएँ

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Other Body :MadanMohan Tarun

The Other Body
MadanMohan Tarun

We are not ordinary creations. We are made of elements which keep us connected with the both sides of this creation – visible, the physical self, and the invisible, which covers areas beyond the reach of our body.
At times challenges appear before us in such a huge form that we feel ourselves totally helpless to deal with it. Our physical self is capable to do wonders, but it has its own limits.

But, we are empowered with one more body, made of mist, which starts where our body concludes.
While crossing the ocean, Hanuman saw a huge shape facing him. Hanuman immediately took a bigger shape than the shape, he was facing. None of them looked to be lesser in the game of expanding their bodies bigger and bigger. Hanuman realized that it has no end; moreover, his aim was to cross the ocean, not to continue with such an unnecessary competitive game. The huge hanuman tuned himself so small that the huge shape, known as Sursaa, could not see him for a while. Before she could know his whereabouts, Hanuman entered into her mouth and came out through her ear. It was the other body of Hanuman, which did this wonder.
We have to turn our body into mind, to deal with the challenges bigger than our size.

If the door is narrow, you cannot cross it with your head high. Your purpose is to cross it, bow a bit down, and slip in.

Remember, when your physical self is totally exhausted, you have one more body to start, where your visible self declares ‘no...No...Now no more.’

Hanuman took the mega jump of the ocean from the one side to the other side, He used his other body.
When Arjun refused to be a part of Mahabharata, lord Krishna had to reveal Gitaa. Gitaa is more a deep vibrating sound than words, we know. It turns the physical self into spirit.

 When Lord Krishna says to Arjun –
 PASHYA ME PARTH ROOPAANI SHATSOATHA SAHSRASHA, NAANAAVIDHANI DIVYAANI NAANAAVARNAAKRITINI CHA. (Behold my hundreds and thousands of multifarious divine forms of various colors and shapes), Arjun started seeing his invisible self who was endless, omnipresent and the ruler of everything. Nothing was beyond his body. Arjun saw every great warrior of Mahabharata going into it and coming back from there, fresh with a new body.  The fully charged with the powers of his inner self, the enchanted Arjun saw which was never possible without achieving this highest stage of his mind turned into spirit 

-PASHYAMI DEANSTAVA TAVA DEVA DEHE SARVAANSTATHAA BHOOTVISHESHSANGHAAN,BRAHAMAAMEESHAM KAMLASNASTHAA SARVAANURAAGAANSHCHA DVYAAN. ANEIK BAAHOODARVAKTRANETRAM PASHYAAMI TWAAM SARVATONANTROOPAM, NAANTAM NA MADHAYAM NA PUNASTAVAADIM PSHYAAMI VISHWESHWAR VISHWAROOPAM. (I behold all gods and different beings within your body. Brahmaa throned on his lotus – seat. Shiva and all Rishis and celestial serpents. I see you endowed with numerous arms, bellies, mouths and eyes and having innumerable forms extended on all sides. I see neither your beginning nor middle, nor even end, manifested as you are in the form of the universe.)

Who can dare to challenge this highly charged self?
We must know to use our hidden powers and we can do it.
Only remember that the visible body is not the end.
We begin, where everything comes to an end.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



MadanMohan Tarun

A name is a unique identity of all living or non- living things, known on this earth.

When we recall some name, it immediately reflects its shape, size and its unique look, different from others in our mind. When we say lion, it reflects a royal animal with its yellowish color and hairs on its neck; when we say parrot, it reflects a green colored bird with feathers and it also reflects, to some extent, its character or way of behavior or its peculiarity of voice.

 But remember, all loins are not Durga’s loin, all Sheshanaags are not Vishnu’s Sheshanaag, and all monkeys are not Hanumaan.

A name becomes identical with the work or achievement of an individual, when he \ she does something different from others.

When we say Hitler, it reflects a peculiar face with different type of moustache and a hardcore man of dictatorial attitude. When we say Gandhi, it reflects an image of clean shaved – headed old man in dhoti up to his knees  with a laathi in his hand , who made India free by using a army of  Satyaagrahis, without any weapon , applying non – violence against a supreme power of its time.

Even in our daily life, people become identical to their unique way of life. We start recognizing them by their dress- habits, way of talking, or some of their work or achievement different from others.

You recognize a cricket player by his sixes which brought victory to the team or the country.
Every birth needs to prove his/ her worth by their unique deeds, different from others. Unless one does so, he remains a part of crowed, not a name.

Name is earned by determination and consistency of the efforts and hard work put up for what you want to prove yourself in life as.

Remember, it is determined consistency of our attitude to the work which is registered, not only the result.

At times failures are greater than victories.

Rana Prataap, Laxmibai, Bhagat Singh, Asfakullah are not known as winners , but they are the big names of the history. Indira Gandhi appointed two Sikhs as her body-guard, knowing that her blue star operation against Sikhs may reflect adversely in them also, but she did it as a part of her attitude to life. The brave lady was finally killed by them. History registers this as a strong point of her character.

  KARMANEYVADHIKAASRASTE… (Our right is to work only), but never lose this right.